Thursday, December 19, 2013

Charles Bronson

Greetings and Salutations, It has been some time and experience since my last post. Lets face it, shit happens. For me some of it has been super crazy, but other parts have been ultra productive. Either way, beyond the blah blah blah, lets get back to the interesting shit, namely, a new film I watched last night called Charles Bronson. Its a rather good production of the a glorified version of the famed English prisoner/bare knuckle boxer who eventually became an artist and all around badass. I laughed and got all stern and rather enjoyed it. I like it particularly because it embraces an individual going for his goals despite circumstance. Its on Netflix or some video store so go watch it if your into the previously mentioned shit.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome to the Beginning of the End

There is so many things going on all the time that I have gotten to the point where documentation of the mundane, the exciting, the life changing and the constant is in order to keep my memories and opinions in full context do I present the world with my studies of the end. Why "the end" you may ask. The end is what comes after the beginning and since I began this is all the end, of you, me and the universe, right. Either way, I rather enjoy the human experience. I fully enjoy the small chance we are given at fractional portion of self-awareness we are rewarded. This space will contain what I have truly come to enjoy, life. So to start things off here is an excellent documentary on the notorious Aleister Crowley: The Great Beast 666, Omega Therion, Ipsissimus. This piece contains quite a bit of good information and has some excellent acting/recreation. Also check of the black metal band, Ipsissimus, good stuff.